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intFormHandle:=ShowHint (intLeft, intTop, intWidth, intHeight, strText, intTimeOut)




It shows a message with an advice, a sort of electronic post-it(r).




intLeft: integer that represents the horizontal position where the top left corner will be shown.


intTop: integer that represents the vertical where the top left corner of the message will be shown.


intWidth: integer that represents the message width.


intHeight: integer that represents the message height.


strText: characters string representing the message text.


intTimeOut: integer that represents time of permanence of the message on the screen.


Returned value


intFormHandle: integer that represents the window handle of the message.




The coordinates and the windows size are in pixel. Time of permanence of the message is in thousandths of seconds: if it is set at 0, message will not be deleted automatically, but the user could delete it clicking two times on the mouse; if it is  -1, message will not be deleted neither automatically nor by the user, but it could be deleted only by the script using the FormClose command with the returned handle.




// It shows a message self-deleting

ShowHint(100,100,200,200,'Message visible for five second ...',5000);


// It shows a message that could be deleted by the user

ShowHint(100,300,250,100,'Double click in order to delete this message...',0);


// It shows a permanent message

UnMessaggio:=ShowHint(200,400,150,150,'Attention, current elaboration !',-1);


// It initializes a variable



// It starts a cycle



//It increases the variable



//It checks whether the cycle has been executed for 10000 times and in affermative case, //it exit

Until (Counter>10000);


// It deletes message
