QueryOpenBDE |
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It makes a SQL query on a database using a BDE database connection.
StrDataBaseName: string corresponding to the directory in case of database Paradox or dBase, or to a BDE alias in case of DBMS client server.
StrSQL: string corresponding to the SQL text with the query to execute.
StrUser: user name for database log-in
StrPassword: password for database log-in
Returned value
IntTableHandle: integer value corresponding to the handle of the virtual table returned from query.
Database and table must exist.
The returned value can be used with the functions operating on tables (TableClose, TableRecordCount, TableFirst,…).
In strSQL be careful to apostrophe (') and inverted commas (")
// It stores query handle OneTable:= QueryOpenBDE('c:\documents\index','select * from statistics','','');
// Executes other operations...
// Closes the virtual table of the query TableClose(OneTable);