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intResult:=ImgProcessExternal (intImageHandle,strDLLName,strCustomData)




It makes a processing operation on the image using an external DLL where is implemented an image processing function.


The DLL can be written with every programming language if export a "Process" function with standard call style accepting as parameter a 32 bit integer (the DIB handle) and a string pointer  (the custom initialiting parameters):


Here a C/C++ declaration sample:


int Process(int handle, char *parameters)


Here a Pascal/Delphi declaration sample:


function Process(handle: integer; parameters:pchar):integer


The function need to give as result an integer with a custom value as a new DIB handle, a numerical parameter extracted from image or an exit code.




ImageHandle: numerical value with image handle.


strDLLName: the name of DLL to call.


strCustomData: string with custom  value to pass to this function.


Returned value


The result is an integer with the DIB handle, a numerical parameter extracted from image or an exit code.




// Retrieve the DIB handle from current image


// Call the image processing function implemented in the external DLL

Status:=ImgProcessExternal( DIBhandle,'INVERTDIB.DLL','MyCustomData');