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ImgDropColorHSL(intImageHandle,floatHueStart,floatHueEnd, floatSaturationStart, floatSaturationEnd, floatLuminosityStart, floatLuminosityEnd, floatNewHue, floatNewSaturation, floatNewLuminosity)




Drops colors from an image; user can specify the colors range to drop in HSL colors space and the color to substitute to colors in the range.




intImageHandle: integer value corresponding to the image handle.


floatHueStart: float value with the start hue range


floatHueEnd: float value with the end hue range


floatSaturationStart: float value with the start saturation range


floatSaturationEnd: float value with the end saturation range


floatLuminosityStart: float value with the start luminosity range


floatLuminosityEnd: float value with the end luminosity range


floatNewHue: float value with the hue for the new color


floatNewSaturation: float value with the saturation for the new color


floatNewLuminosity: float value with the luminosity for the new color


Returned value






Up to two colors can be specified for dropping.





// HLS dropping

ImgDropColorHSL(_CurrentImage, 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);