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Here you can find difference between older versions.


Version 8.0 (Current Version)


- New support for PDF/A format

- New functions for books processing

- New dynamic thresholding powerful algorithms

- New function to detect blank pages

- New function to encrypt/decrypt image content

- Improved support for PDF vectorial files

- New scripting functions:

ImgFBCThreshold, ImgSaveAsPdfSerchable, ImgMakePdfSerchable, ImgFindBindingByValleys, ImgFindBindingByLine, ImgLineCreate, ImgLineGetX1, ImgLineGetX2, ImgIsBlank, ImgLineGetY1, ImgLineGetY2, ImgLineFree, ImgWaveDetect, ImgWaveCorrect, ImgWaveCorrection, ImgWaveFree, ImgFillRect, ImgEncrypt, ImgRGB, ImgRGBRed, ImgRGBGreen, ImgRGBBlue, Castbooleanasstring, Castfloatasstring, Castintegerasstring, Caststringasboolean, Caststringasfloat, Caststringasinteger, Count, Countchars, Deleteglobal, Duplicate, Escape,  Hextoint, Hibyte, Hiword, Imgcroptrapezoid, Ln, Lobyte, Log10, Log2, Loword, Makelong, Makeword, Ord, Substitute, Substitutechars,  Unescape.


Version 7.0


- Full Microsoft 7(TM) compatibility

- New GUI following the "Office" style

- New progress bar allowing to control the process status

- New code hightlighting on script syntax checking

- New options to handle behaviour if output file already exists

- New garbage-collector able to automatically deallocate resources not explicitally released by the script.

- New full SDK for engine integration in own custom applications

- Support for JPEG2000 compression

- Support for direct threshold of color images

- Improved support for PDF vectorial files

- Improved AutoOrientation algorithm


Version 6.0


- Full Microsoft Vista(TM) compatibility

- New integrated HTML help system

- New dynamic thresholding powerful algorithms

- New functions template activable in the editor (ctrl+space)

- Support for processing digitally signed images files PKCS#11 (.p7m)

- Support for 32 bits BMP files

- Support for majority filter

- Support for chromaticiy evaluation

- Improved automatic parameters auto detection for thresholding algorithms

- Improved support for external processing DLL

- New image processing functions:

ImgMajorityFilter, ImgGetBackgroundColor, ImgGetForegroundColor, ImgEvaluateChromaticity, ImgDynamicThresholdMinMax, ImgDynamicThresholdAverage, ImgAdvancedThresholdDeviation, ImgAdvancedThresholdVariance, ImgBackTrackThresholdMinMax, ImgBackTrackThresholdAverage, ImgAdaptiveThresholdMinMax, ImgAdaptiveThresholdAverage, ImgAdaptiveThresholdBackTrack, ImgGetDIBHandle.


Version 5.1


- Support for grayscale images histogram analysis

- Support for files metadata handling (NTFS)

- New image processing functions:

ImgHistoCreate, ImgHistoValue, ImgHistoDelete, FileSetNTFSMetadata, FileGetNTFSMetadata

- Evalution version can be used by command line with -auto option without to display the nag screen


Version 5.0

- Support for Check21 compliant image quality control

- Support for punch holes removal

- Support for high-pass noise removal filtering

- Support for blurring and sharpening

- Support for 5x5 customized mask circonvolution

- Support for red, green and blue channel image splitting and merging

- Support for image adding, subtracting, multipliing and dividing

- Support for EXIF data management

- New optional script protection system for intellectual property protection

- Updated code template for thresholding supporting also automatic threshoding refine option.

- Updated code template for noise removal supporting also high-pass filtering.

- Improved PDF files support

- New image processing functions:

ImgAddSum, ImgAddSub, ImgAddMul, ImgAddDiv, ImgGetRedChannel, ImgGetGreenChannel, ImgGetBlueChannel, ImgMergeRGBChannels, ImgBlur, ImgSharpen, ImgHighPass, ImgRemovePunchHoles, ImgConvolve5x5, ApplicationCheckScriptLicense, ImgQualityControlInitialize, ImgQualityControlFinalize, ImgQualityControlSetParameter, ImgQualityControlGetMeasure, ImgQualityControlGetMeasureName, ImgQualityControlExecute, ImgCopyExifData, ImgDuplicate

- Modified syntax for ApplicationLog now not requiring agent id parameter.

- Substuted ImgConvolve with ImgConvolve3x3

- New command to load and save batches queue

- New feature allowing to start batch automatically when files are available in a watched directory


Version 4.5

- Support for auto-inversion allowing automatic negatives conversion

- Support for focus evaluation

- Support for Red and Blue channels swapping to fix bad formatted images

- Support of graylevels reduction

- New optional auto-orientation system OCR based

- New image processing functions:

ImgSwapRedAndBlue, ImgEvaluateInversion, ImgAutoInvert, ImgEvaluateFocus, ApplicationAbortAgent, ImgAdjustLevels


Version 4.0

- Support for multi-page PDF files processing

- Support for fast PEI hardware thresholding boards

- Support for Edge Thresholding, Adaptive Thresholding and Background Tracking Thresholding

- Support for new black border removal method for noisy borders

- Support for new color form dropping methods

- Support for bleed-through removal

- Support for auto orientation

- New code templates for Noise Filter and Form Dropping

- New script encryption system for intellectual property protection

- New functions to sort files into the batch

- New image processing functions:

ImgEdgeThreshold, ImgAdaptiveThreshold, ImgBackTrackTreshold, ImgPEIThreshold, ImgRefineThreshold, ImgMedianFilter, ImgMeanFilter, ImgPolynomialFilter, ImgFindBorderChangeLeft, ImgFindBorderChangeTop, ImgFindBorderChangeRight, ImgFindBorderChangeBotton, ImgDropColorRGB, ImgDropColorHSL, ImgRemoveBleedThrough, ImgAutoOrient, ImgEvaluateOrientation


Version 3.0

- Support for batches queue

- Support for PDF import/export

- Support for multi-page TIFF files processing

- Support for command line parameters

- New image processing functions:

ImgWatermark, ImgDrawText, ImgDrawBarcode, ImgDrawEllipse, ImgDrawRectangle, ImgDrawLine, ImgGetHorzResolution,  ImgGetVertResolution, ImgSetHorzResolution, ImgSetVertResolution, ImgAddXor, ImgFlip, ImgMirror, ImgSaveAsPdf.


Version 2.0

- New registration procedure

- New image processing functions:

ImgAdjustBrightness, ImgAdjustContrast, ImgAdjustGamma, ImgConvolve


Version 1.1

- Bug correction in pause/resume procedure

- New image processing functions


Version 1.0

- First release.