Recogniform PerfectScan®
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PerfectScan® is the best solution for documents' capture if you want quality, high speed and reliability without changing your imaging software and without installing optional and expensive image processing
boards on your scanner.
PerfectScan® is built as a standard TWAIN scanner driver, allowing its use to every compliant application. It works in combination with the original scanner driver,
checking and enhancing each scanned image before passing it to the calling application.
PerfectScan® works at really impressive speed and in real-time, operating in three easy steps.
First step: PerfectScan® corrects common scanning de
fects like: incorrect threshold setting for binarization, skew, black borders presence, speckle and incorrect paper size.
Second step: PerfectScan®
makes a quality control on the images checking if they can be clearer and more readable according to brightness and contrast ranges selected by the user.
Third step: if the quality of images is not enough, PerfectScan®
shows the images to
the operator, giving him the opporunity to make a visual check to adjusting contrast, brightenss and threhsold; in this way it's possible to execute a "virtual" rescanning and the image built with new parameters is displayed in real-time; this procedure can be repeated until you get the desired quality level.
Here is the full list of the benefits you'll get with PerfectScan®:
Perfect images at the first shot: you don't need to re-scan images! You will always obtain the highest quality possible at the first scanning: without losing time for re-inserting the document in the scanner, changing scanning parameters and reacquiring the image.
Exclusive DoubleStream® technology: with a single scanning operation you can get two images of the same document, the first one color or grayscale and the second one monochrome. You can enable this special feature when you want to get the gray or color image for displaying or for long term storage, and the monochrome image
for automatic indexing, without requiring two distinct
Conversion of monochrome scanners into fast grayscale scanners: you can scan in grayscale using old monochrome scanners, saving your hardware investments and obtaining bigger profits!
Sharing your scanner on network: you can share the scanner on your local network, scanning from every workstation, without necessarily using the pc directly connected to the scanner and without importing any file!
Improved ocr/icr recognition: the accuracy of your optical character recognition and handwriting recognition software increases significantly because images are readable, clean and straight!
Less storage space and transmission time: files resulting from images compression are very compact because noise is suppressed, image is deskewed and auto-cropped so you have rapid files handling, displaying and transmission!
Compatibility and user-friendly interface: scanning is easier because operator doesn't have to adjust parameters for each image and he doesn't have to change the scanning application because
PerfectScan® works like a standard twain driver!
If you need to scan good quality images and you want to save time and money, your choice will be PerfectScan®!
PerfectScan® is easy to install and simple to use, compatible, very powerful and it's not expensive: no reason for not using it!
Before scanning you can use the PerfectScan® Control Panel, accessible through a click in Windows' traybar; in this way you can set all the processing options you need:

Scan from your favorite application and choose the image type you want, using the built-in data source dialog window similarly to a standard TWAIN driver.

If the automatic quality control finds a not excellent image, you can visually inspect it and change brightness, contrast and threshold; in real-time you'll get the new virtually re-scanned image on the screen:
Feature matrix to compare with other similar products
Dynamic Tresholding
Black Border Removal
Auto Crop
Share scanner over a network
DoubleStream® technology
Virtual Rescannning full pages or zones
Conversion of monochrome scanners in grayscale scanners
Pre-fetching support
Compatible with Windows XP/NT/2000/ME/98/95
Special hardware requirement
EUR 199,00
Pricing & Ordering Info
The price is only EUR 199,00!
Note: to share a scanner on a network you can buy just one single license.
You can order on-line in our e-commerce store or contact us.
Evaluation Version
You can download an evaluation version of this product clicking here.
More Info
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