Recogniform Free Form & Layout Analysis Engine
Recogniform Reader
Recogniform Free Form and Layout Analysis Engine is the optional modulo for Recogniform Reader allowing to recognize not-struvtured forms or semi-structured forms. This means that we can recognize a field even if we don't know exactly its position. Fields position is not fixed, but it's variable. This module is the solution for invoice processing: throught the free-form recognition enginme we can identify a field according to several parameters: label, format, layout.

Fields data capture from different-layout forms
using Recogniform Free Form and Layout Analysis Engine
At the basis of the Free-Form processing engine there's the use of our powerful OCR Full text recognition engine, together with a complex layout analysis alghorytm. Thanks to these two instuments, we can identify horizaontal and vertical lines, text blocks, text elements and verify the consistency of the conditions and rules that have been set.
Recogniform FreeForm Engine is available as optional modulo of modulo Recogniform Reader.
Price and Orders
For info about price of Recogniform Free Form Engine please contact us by clicking here.
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