Despeckle Library (royalties free)
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Image Processor
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This despeckle sdk (API) allows the removal of speckle in scanned or faxed images. The speckle is the presence of black points of noise in images acquired by a scanner or received by fax.
Cleaning images is a very important preprocessing step to improve the compression rate, the visualization aspect and the accuracy using ICR/OCR.
Despeckle (speckle detection and deletion) can be very easily
performed, specifying the maximum width and height of isolated black elements to be considered as speckle.
You have obviuosly to supply a monochrome DIB (Device Indipendent Bitmap) in input to the process.
The despeckle process is fast and accurate.
For testing this library you can download a demo application (400 Kb) that allows you to use this function with your TIF images: please give us your feedback and your comments after the test !
In the last version of the library there's a new option, that allows you to perform smart despeckle: textual points (.,;:' ") won't be removed
even if their size is smaller than noise size!
Here you can see the source code in Microsoft Visual C++ of a sample application using the despeckle library:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "recodespeckle.c"
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
// Load dynamically the library
// Init the session
int Session= DESPECKLE_Init("demo", "demo");
long hBitmap;
// Check if a DIB is available in clipboard
bool bAvail= IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DIB);
hBitmap = 0;
if (bAvail)
// Open the Clipboard
// Retrieve the DIB from clipboard
hBitmap = (long) GetClipboardData(CF_DIB);
// Find and removes points of speckle
long RemovedPoints= DESPECKLE_RemovePoints(Session, (long) hBitmap, 4, 4);
// Set the cleaned DIB to clipboard
SetClipboardData(CF_DIB, (void*)hBitmap);
// Close the Clipboard
char buffer[200];
// Format the output message
if (RemovedPoints!=0)
sprintf( buffer, "Removed %d points !
You can paste in your application...", RemovedPoints);
sprintf( buffer, "Image don't need to be cleaned !");
// Show the result
MessageBox(NULL, buffer, "RESULT", MB_OK);
// Show an error message
else MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to paste DIB", "ERROR", MB_OK);
// Close the session
// Unload the library
return 0;
Pricing & Ordering Info
The price of this library is 599 EUR. The library is royalties free till 1000 runtimes, so it can be distributed with every end-user application without paying licenses fee: if you need a larger number of runtimes, you have to buy further licenses.
You can order on-line in our e-commerce store or using our contacts page.
Evaluation Version
You can download an evaluation version of this product @
More Info
If you need further info about this product, please use the contacts page or click here.