Recogniform PaperCapture is the complete solution for batch document scanning, allowing to scan documents as monochrome, grayscale or color images using any TWAIN scanner device.
This application is very easy to use and the visual interface has been designed to be productive and user friendly.
You simply need to select a batch folder and start scanning: each document in scanner ADF or flatbed will be acquired, compressed in real-time and saved as standard TIFF format in the selected folder!

Recogniform PaperCapture allows you to select scanning parameters using the scanner interface built-in the scanner driver or also to use predefined sets of parameters to increase the efficiency.
Obviously, you can define an unlimited number of scanning profiles, each with its own name, each one including custom scanner settings: as example, if you need to scan A4 size documents at 200 DPI in monochrome from ADF, you can define the profile "A4 200 DPI B&W ADF" so that when you will choice it from the drop-down list in main application window, all scanner parameters will be adjusted automatically and there
will be no need to rechoice them every time.

After scanning you can apply some image processing on your images to get the correct results. You can use many as rotation by 90, 180 or 270 degrees, fliping, mirroring, inversion, but also deskew and despeckle! If this image processing functions are not enough, you can send the batch to Recogniform Image Processor, using the built-in link or also create your own add-on processing DLL!
When the batch is ready you can rearrange it, sorting the pages with drag&drop, and export it as multi-page TIF or PDF file!
Features List
- Fast batch scanning
Simply choose your batch folder, the scanning profile and start scanning! It's the ideal solution to scan any volume of images.
- Fully compatible
You can use every TWAIN scannar and thank to the innovative method to create scanning profiles, you can use every special feature of your scanner also without use the driver Twain interface. ADF, Duplex, Prefetching, Color Filtering and any other special hardware function are supported!
- Multi-threading
Maximize the throughput with multi-thread technology. While the scanner continues to scan other threads perform on-fly compression and file storage.
- Comprehnsive file formats support
You can import into batch all standard graphic files: TIFF (Uncompressed, Jpeg Compressed, Packbits, CCITT G3, CCITT G4), JPEG (JFIF), BMP, PNG, PDF (CCITT G4, JPEG). And you can export a full batch as multi-page TIF or PDF file.
- Image Processing
All these image processing functions are available: rotation by 90/180/270 degrees, flip, mirror, negative, deskew, despeckle. You can use image processing on a single image or on the full batch.
- Thumbnails
All the acquired images are available as thumbnails for fast selection or sorting: you can click on a thumbnail to view the image in the integrated viewer or you can simply use drag&drop to rearrange the images' order.
- Integrated viewer
You can see scanned images using the built-in viewer, in order to make a realtime quality control. The viewer support antiliasing, drag&drop pan, fast and smart zoom!
- Customizable
You can create custom scanning settings and recall them with a click! If you are able to develop a DLL with VisualBasic, VisualC++ or Delphi, you can create custom image processing functions and use them on your images, too.
Don't wait more! Try now Recogniform PaperCapture, the powerful and easy to use solution for batch scanning!Recogniform PaperCapture works with any TWAIN device, from consumer small scanners to professional production scanners, getting the best performances and quality from the available hardware.